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About the British Association of the Var

Our Welfare initiatives

The British Association of the Var grew from an organisation started in 1998, and today has over 350 members. It is a charitable association registered under the appropriate French 1901 loi association authority.

We are devoted to helping those British people who are in difficulty, and the Welfare Team helps those who encounter unexpected problems such as illness, accidents, bereavement or financial difficulties. See the separate Welfare section for a more detailed account of its more

Our community events

Regular social events are held in all parts of the Var, and prove invaluable for introducing members to one another. They also provide a valuable means of raising funds to support the welfare aims of the Association.

Membership provides a monthly newsletter, which gives details of forthcoming events, and reports on activities that have taken place. It also has snippets of information which members should find useful when dealing with their daily French routine.

Neighbourhood Networks throughout the Var hold monthly coffee mornings so why not come along to your local group and join us for coffee.   

Location and date of your local Network can be found here on our Networks more

British Association of the Var - 2021

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